Erika Freemann
Type: TV – Documentary for ORF
Director: Eberhard Büssem
Length: 47 min
Status: Released in 2019
Erika Padan Freeman, née Polisiuk, escaped the Nazis in Vienna shortly before her 13th birthday on July 1, 1940. After her arrival in New York with the „SS Westerland“, Erika found shelter with extended relatives in the United States. From having to overcome substantial difficulties as only a child, like fleeing her home country and losing her mother to the war, to outstanding life achievements such as becoming the „psychoanalyst of the stars“ in the United States or achieving the „Medal Of Honor Of The Republic Of Austria.“ Nothing could ever stop this force of nature, who keeps working with patients and lives between Vienna and New York at her 94 years of age.
Eberhard Büssem directed the third and final movie of our trilogy „Eviction of Intelligence“, which recounts the incredible and adventurous life path of Erika Freeman.